Goracle Translations — How To
As week two is well underway, many of the Goragang signed up for translations. We are now sending the invite to the translation portal to those who signed up to translate. The following documents are being made available to translate:
- Litepaper (Ready to translate on January 28)
- Economic Design (Ready to translate on Feb 1st)
- Website (Ready to translate on Feb 3rd)
Note: Only those who filled in the translation form in a supported language have received an invite to translate. If you have not received an email to translate from us, it could be because you did not fill in the form, you filled in the form incorrectly, your language is currently not supported, or you have been disqualified for bot activity. If you think you should have received the email, Please create a ticket via Discord (do not resubmit the form) and we will include you.
Please follow the instructions below. For any questions, feel free to reach out on Discord or Telegram.
Step 1 — Create your Crowdin Account
Goracle uses Crowdin to help manage and track translations. Use the link that was provided in your email to get to the translation page, then sign to the Crowdin App. You will need to sign up with the same email you filled the translations form with (Otherwise, your points may not be counted).
Step 2 — Select your language
From the dashboard, select the language you signed up to translate in the form. Note, selecting a language other than the one you signed up for will not count towards your points.
Step 3 — Translate
Select the document you would like to translate, and click “Translate”. You can translate as little or as much as you would like.
You will see a window with two panes (see screenshot below). On the left is the text to translate. On the right is the translation area.
CrowdIn will provide some suggestions; you may write your own translation, or choose the best machine translation. Note, if you choose a machine translation, ensure you read it and that it is correct and makes sense. Other users will vote on your entry, and if you receive too many negative votes, the translation may not count towards your points.
Step 4 —Vote for translation
If you see that a lot of the document has already been translated. Don’t worry! You still get points and rewards for voting. Read through other people’s translations, and if it is correct, give them a positive vote. If it is incorrect or doesn’t make sense, give it a negative vote and provide a better translation.
Step 5 — That’s it!
The team will track all translation through the website. As long as you used the email you registered with to login to Crowdin, your points will be calculated at the end of the week. For any issues, Please create a ticket via Discord (do not resubmit the form).